Introducing ignite8

We’re a collective group of c-suite experts who help tech founders successfully navigate through the early years – a key period that usually sees 90% of start-ups fail.

The odds are against start-ups, so let’s change that

Most start-ups fail for several reasons – more often than not it comes down to a lack of c-suite expertise to manage those key areas such as Finance, Growth, Product and Operations. ignite8 delivers that expertise to help you successfully navigate through those treacherous early years.

Product Development and Innovation

  • Market research and validation
  • MVP (Minimum Viable Product) creation
  • Iterative product development
  • Continuous feature improvements based on feedback
  • Scalability and technical architecture planning

Growth and Go-to-market Strategy

  • Market positioning and segmentation
  • Pricing strategy
  • Channel partnerships and distribution models
  • Sales funnel development and lead generation
  • Launch marketing campaigns (paid, organic, influencer, etc.)

Financial & Business Operations

  • Financial modelling and forecasting
  • Fundraising and investor relations
  • Cash flow management
  • Setting up legal and compliance structures
  • KPI tracking and reporting

Team & Leadership development

  • Talent acquisition and team building
  • Leadership training and development
  • Company culture and values alignment
  • Performance management and feedback loops
  • Succession planning for scaling

Keen to see what we can offer?

Our Founding Partners are always on hand to hear your vision and showcase our expertise. 

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ignite8 delivers expert c-suite suite support to a new generation to tech founders to help them successfully navigate the early stages of their company.


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